
Institutional Commitments
(i) Academic Freedom
In pursuit of the whole faith, inspiring, genuine service: faculty members are free to express in their writing, teaching and activities, their individual positions.
While free to develop and express unique academic position, the institution requires that the ultimate position of the faculty members not be at variance with the basic theological stance of the academic community as set forth in the statement of faith.

(ii) Inclusive Education
Divine Power Bible College admits without discrimination on the basis of gender.
Women are welcomed to all her programs without questioning or challenging the calling of anyone on the basis of gender.
In as much as the school is not unaware that the role of women is a matter of controversy in many denominations, churches and Para church ministries, our stance permits the accommodation of people of alternative views.
Institutional Goals

Divine Power Bible College exists to serve the body of Christ, bringing men into maturity in service.

(i) Academic Excellence
DPBC is committed to strengthen the quality of teaching in the classroom with the aim of encouraging academic proficiency.
Cultivating an academic program which will recognize and aid the need of specialized ministries, DPBC is also flexible in curriculum design with no regard to the way we used to do it.

(ii) Practical Relevance
In order to meet the demands of the church today, DPBC will not celebrate academic brilliance to the detriment of practical ministry.
The faculty of DPBC believes that any Bible School that will be of lasting impact must impart ministry skills and teach practicable knowledge. We are therefore committed to practical relevance

(iii) Personal  Development
As a short term Bible School, there may not be enough time for developing and nurturing students into spiritual, emotional and mental maturity but no effort will be spared in pushing all students into an adventure in personal development.
(iv) Inter-denominational breadth

DPBC pledges to serve the entire church of Christ in various expressions. While preserving an interdenominational nature, DPBC will.
1.      Encourage its students to serve the church that nurture them.
2.      Prepare students for ministry in their non-church environment.
3.      Treat denominational doctrines with utmost care while emphasizing issues that never divide.
4.      Recognize the distinctiveness of  each denomination or organization.

Theological Inclination
 Ours is Pentico-Charismatic Commitment
Divine Power Bible College community( trustees, faculty and students) believe that Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible is the only ground for personal salvation.
The college assumes, then a commitment to,
(1)   Christ-likeness in word and deed
(2)   Supremacy of God’s Word
(3)   Total dependence on the Holy Spirit and His gifts.
(4)   The practice of evangelism in every way.